Decolonization - Binary Starter

This Blog post will be about representing black pioneers of computer science. Some you may have heard some may not have.

One of the most common pioneers of computer science is Alan Turing. 

Below will be a list of different black pioneers of computer science.

Katherine Johnson:

Evelyne Boyd Granville:






This blog has been designed as a small starter activity which 

will allow students to carry out some binary conversion about key dates of black pioneers of computer science.

Student will be able to carry some binary to denary conversion about key dates from the people mentioned above. It will allow students to learn about some key figures that have helped develop computer science.

Some sample types of questions have also been provided, these can be found on slides 10 and 11. 



This activity has been designed as a starter activity, use as many info graphics as needed. 

Coloured printouts will be helpful for students.

To download resources click here


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